• ABC iView Mandarin Favourites – It’s got kids favourites such as Peppa Pig, Luo Bao Bei and Peter Rabbit. The ABC iVew collection is a great resource because it has shows that many children are familiar with and already love. The storylines are often relatively easy to follow even if the language is foreign to them. We suggest putting it on the background first and let your child be drawn to it, rather than sitting them down and asking them to watch. That way you can be clear that if they don’t want to watch, you can switch it off (rather than switching to English).
  • Ages 0-2 Songs (YouTube playlist) – we’ve created this YouTube playlist for some age appropriates song you can play to your child.
  • Ages 2-3 Songs (YouTube playlist) – we’ve created this YouTube playlist for some age appropriates song you can play to your child.
  • Ages 3-5 Songs (YouTube playlist) – we’ve created this YouTube playlist for some age appropriates song you can play to your child.
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